Elenco corsi a.a. 2024/2025
Anno accademico 2024/2025

Teologia morale fondamentaleRA0606

Sede di Gerusalemme
Primo semestre


To introduce students of theology to the foundations, concepts and methods of Catholic moral theology. To equip them to critically involve themselves in discussions of moral issues. To keep growing in their aspiration for truth and goodness in the light of the Gospel.


The nature of Moral Theology and the task of the moralist. The context of contemporary Moral Theology. The Bible and Christian ethics: Jesus and discipleship. Faith and morality. The human person: Freedom and knowledge. Sin and reconciliation. Conscience and its formation. The law and morality. The morality of human action. Moral decision making and pastoral-moral guidance.


Birch, Bruce, and Larry Rasmussen. Bible and Ethics in the Christian Life. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1976; Bohr, David. Catholic Moral Tradition. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2006; Bretzke, James. A Morally Complex World: Engaging Contemporary Moral Theology. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2004; Catechism of the Catholic Church. 2nd Edition. Vatican: Vatican Press, 1994; Cessario, Romanus. Introduction to Moral Theology. Washington: CUA Press, 2001; Colom, Enrique, and Ángel Rodríguez Luño. Chosen in Christ to be Saints: Fundamental Moral Theology. Rome: EDUSC, 2014; Connors, Russell, and Patrick McCormick. Character, Choices & Community: The Three Faces of Christian Ethics. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1998; DiNoia, Joseph, and Romanus Cessario, eds. Veritatis Splendor and the Renewal of Moral Theology. Chicago: Midwest Theological Forum, 1999; Gallagher, John. Time Past, Time Future: A Historical Study of Catholic Moral Theology. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1990; Grisez, Germain. The Way of the Lord Jesus. Vol. 1, Christian Moral Principles. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1983; Gula, Richard. Reason Informed by Faith: Foundations of Catholic Morality. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989; Hamel, Ronald, and Kenneth Himes, eds. Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989; Häring, Bernard. Free and Faithful in Christ. Vol. 1, General Moral Theology. New York: Seabury Press, 1978; Häring, Bernard. The Law of Christ. Vol. 1, General Moral Theology. Westminster: Newman, 1961; John Paul II. Veritatis splendor: Encyclical Letter Regarding Certain Fundamental Questions of the Church’s Moral Teaching. Vatican City: Vatican Press, 1993; Kennedy, Terence. Doers of the Word. Vol. 1, Moral Theology for the Third Millennium. Middlegreen: St. Pauls, 1996; Lobo, George. Christian Living according to Vatican II: Moral Theology Today. Bangalore: Theological Publications of India, 1999; Mahoney, John. The Making of Moral Theology. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986; May, William. An Introduction to Moral Theology. 2nd Edition. Huntington: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2003; O’Connell, Timothy. Principles for a Catholic Morality. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1990; Pazhayampallil, Thomas. Pastoral Guide. Vol 1: Fundamental Moral Theology and Virtues. 4th Revised Edition. Bangalore: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2016; Peschke, Karl. Christian Ethics: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II. Vol 1: General Moral Theology. Newly Revised Edition. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1999; Pinckaers, Servais. The Sources of Christian Ethics. Washington: CUA Press, 1995; Pontifical Biblical Commission. The Bible and Morality: Biblical Roots of Christian Conduct. Vatican City: Vatican Press, 2010; Ratzinger, Joseph, Heinz Schürmann, and Hans von Balthasar. Principles of Christian Morality. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986; Shelton, Charles. Morality of the Heart: A Psychology for the Christian Moral Life. New York: Crossroad, 1990; Willems, Elizabeth. Understanding Catholic Morality. New York: Crossroads Publishing Co., 1997.


Primo semestre
Giorni 8.45-9.30 9.35-10.20 10.35-11.20 11.25-12.10 12.15-13.00 15.00-15.45 15.50-16.35 16.40-17.25 17.30-18.15