To familiarize the students with the concepts of Youth Ministry in the Congregation from the Second Vatican Council to the present times.
To exercise with them a rethinking of a Salesian Educative Pastoral Project (SEPP) for Youth Ministry.
To consider some significant texts of the Salesian magisterium in the post-Vatican II on strategic issues of Youth Ministry.
To study some chapters of the new Frame of reference 2014 for Salesian youth ministry.
To explain some ‘processual’ virtues in order to formulate an integral SEPP for Youth Ministry.
1. A brief history. Fr. E. Viganò (1978): “Salesian Educative Project”; (1980): “In the ever-growing splendour of the Gospel”; (1989): “The new evangelization”; 23rd General Chapter (1990): “Educating young people to the faith; Fr. E. Viganò (1990): “Salesian spirituality for the new evangelization”; (1991): “New education”; 24th General Chapter (1996): “Salesians and lay people”; Fr. E. Vecchi (1998): “Experts, witnesses and craftsmen of communion. The Salesian community – Animating nucleus”; 25th General Chapter (2002): The Salesian community today; Fr. P. Chávez (2002): “My dear Salesians, be saints!”; 26th General Chapter (2008): “Da mihi animas, caetera tolle”. 2. A common “Frame of reference” for a Salesian youth ministry. Inhabiting the life and culture of today’s young people. From Christ the evangelizer to the evangelizing Church. Evangelizing and educating: Our apostolic identity. The Preventive System: A spiritual and educational experience. Educative and pastoral community: Make the house a family for the young. Salesian Educative Pastoral Project: Operational tools. Activities and works of Salesian youth ministry. 3. Elements for a SEPP. “Personal” processual virtues for an integral project (creative fidelity, personal discernment, operational coherence). “Prosocial” processual virtues for an integral Educative Pastoral Project (systemic generosity, generative dialogue, synergistic integration).
Salesian Youth Ministry Department. 2014. Salesian Youth Ministry. Frame of Reference. 3rd edition. Rome: Editrice SDB.
Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco; 20th Special General Chapter of the Salesian Society. 1971. Chapter Documents. Rome: Editrice SDB; 21st General Chapter of the Salesian Society. 1978. Chapter Documents. Rome: Editrice SDB; 22nd General Chapter of the Salesian Society. 1984. Chapter Documents. Rome: Editrice SDB; 23rd General Chapter of the Salesians of Don Bosco. 1990. Chapter Documents. Rome: Editrice SDB; 24th General Chapter of the Salesians of Don Bosco. 1996. Chapter Documents. Rome: Editrice SDB; 25th General Chapter of the Salesians of Don Bosco. 2002. Chapter Documents. Rome: Editrice SDB; 26th General Chapter of the Salesians of Don Bosco. 2008. Chapter Documents. Rome: Editrice SDB; Vojtáš, Michal. 2017. Reviving Don Bosco's Oratory: Salesian Youth Ministry, Leadership and Innovative Project Management. Jerusalem: STS.
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to: Describe the post-conciliar reflection about Salesian youth ministry (remembering and understanding); summarize the most significant contributions of the Congregation’s magisterium on this issue (critical thinking); value the validity of the experiences presented during the course, in the light of the Frame of Reference 2014 (practical thinking); acquire inputs for providing the best pastoral ministry to the youth (pastoral competence).
Secondo semestre
Giorni | 8.45-9.30 | 9.35-10.20 | 10.35-11.20 | 11.25-12.10 | 12.15-13.00 | 15.00-15.45 | 15.50-16.35 | 16.40-17.25 | 17.30-18.15 |
Lunedì | |||||||||
Martedì | |||||||||
Mercoledì | |||||||||
Giovedì | |||||||||
Venerdì | |||||||||
Sabato | |||||||||
Domenica |